Cleansing Your Crystals

The top question I often receive is how to cleanse crystals.

There are many ways to do this depending on the type of Crystal it is.


To keep it simple, some stones are delicate and fragile while others are hard. Stones are graded on the Mohs scale of hardness. The softer the stone is the less likely it’s going to “like” water. The harder the stone is more likely to like it, however, that doesn’t mean it can be placed in water. Stones such as selenite or water-soluble crystals can dissolve in water. Some stones have a polished surface and some natural points can be easily scratched or damaged in certain cleansing methods.


Tumbled crystals and stones are usually more durable. However, some tumbled stones such as Angelite, are easily damaged in water. Some time ago, I put my crystals out in the full moon. A light rain fell overnight and when I came back to check on my crystals in the morning, my Angelite stone had become dull, the color lightened and had white spots on it. 😳


There are several crystals that never need cleansing. One such Crystal is Kyanite. Even though these crystals “never” need cleansing, crystals like to be freshened up, especially if you’ve worked with them for a period of time without a break. Think about it. Would You like to work 24 days 7 days a week without a shower, break, or snack? 🙂

Here are some of the ways to keep your crystals energetically clean and clear.


Crystals can be cleansed by

placing them on a bed of uncooked rice and rosemary (discard rice and rosemary after doing this because they have absorbed the negative energy)

smudging them 💨

*soaking them in water/salt water 💦

placing them out during the full moon 🌕

Placing them in the Sunlight *Caution when placing clear quartz in the sun as it can cause a fire and placing some stones in the sun for too long can cause them to fade.* 🌞

Blowing on them to clear

Some crystals even cleanse one another 💎

Visualization 🧘‍♂️

meditation 🧘🏽‍♀️

And one of my favorites: drum roll, please 🥁🥁🥁

Acoustically 🎶🎼🎵

Sound cleansing is as versatile and creative as your imagination can get.

Sound cleanse with singing bowls, your favorite music, playing your favorite instrument 🎷 🎺 🎻 , singing loudly 🎤, drumming 🥁 , ringing a bell 🔔 or cleansing and “recalibrating” using a tuning fork.

Crystal Grid for Psychic Protection while simultaneously Being Cleansed on a bed of Salt and Rosemary.


Hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful. Have an Amazing and Outstanding Day!

About Wendy Bee

I’m a Modern-traditional Curandera, multi-modality, “light-up-your-light” and empowerment superhero. As a former registered/certified pharmacy technician of 21 years, I’ve consciously decided to pursue an alternative, more natural, and “wholistic” approach to healing after my son’s autism diagnosis. I’m an empathic psychic medium, medical intuitive, certified crystal healer, Reiki master, medicine woman, and healing facilitator. “As a facilitator and conduit of healing, I’m utterly Passionate about Empowering Others to be Healthy, Strong, in Peace, and the Very Best Version of themselves as possible they wish to be.”
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